What Should You Do If You Suffer from Dry Eyes?

Posted on: 11 April 2022

Did you know that your eyes naturally produce tears around the clock, and they're not just a byproduct of watching a sad movie? Yet, some people may encounter an issue associated with either poor quality tears or an inadequate amount. What can happen in this situation, and if you're affected, what should you do?

Tear Production

Your eyes have several different glands close to the lids that are responsible for producing tears, made up of mucus, water and a tiny amount of oil. These tears are meant to wash over the eyes to provide nourishment and protect the outer surface. The oil will help prevent evaporation and is particularly useful in windy or dry conditions.


As people age, they may lose some of their ability to create tears. In addition, certain medications (such as decongestants) can also affect tear production, as can the long-term wearing of contact lenses. When the tear production is significantly affected, this is known as "dry eyes."


If you experience this condition, your eyes may be very sensitive to light or wind and may appear to be quite red. You may notice a burning or scratching sensation and, in some cases, even blurred vision. It can be quite unpleasant and may certainly affect your ability to do everyday tasks.


Before you do anything else, schedule a visit to an optometrist. They will need to examine the eye and the lid structure to look for any abnormalities and observe the flow of tears. If they determine that you have a treatable condition, they can prescribe certain treatments to counteract it.

Initial Treatment

An optometrist may prescribe eye drops designed to increase tear production and use a nutritional supplement as part of the approach. It is also possible to get commercially produced artificial tear solutions which may be a solution in the interim.

Other Options

Other forms of treatment may include eyelid cleaners to get rid of any inflammation; in extreme cases, it is possible to use surgery to close off some of the tear ducts so the natural tears remain in the eyes longer than they would otherwise. You should also try to avoid becoming dehydrated and make sure that you blink often whenever you are sitting in front of a computer.

Making an Appointment

In the first instance, schedule an appointment with an optometrist so that they can carry out the initial evaluation.
